Upcoming Events, TSA, and Store Hours

The Native Market and Gallery, a fixed store location at 1732 Fordem Avenue in Madison, WI, is open from 4:00-7:00pm every Wednesday, as well as when staff are present.  We’re working on expanding regular hours in the near future.  In addition to the Indigenous foods inventory, the store carries an expanding assortment of Native jewelry and art, and is also home to the Intertribal Agriculture Council’s regional office that provides technical assistance to American Indian agricultural producers.

Check the schedule page for upcoming market and special events.  We’ve got a food booth again at this year’s Taste of Madison (still looking for additional volunteers) on Labor Day weekend, and will be at farmers markets throughout the summer.  The van won’t be on the road as much as previous years due to staffing constraints, but check back for more info on a possible tour later this summer.

We are also excited to announce our new regional TSA (Tribally Supported Agriculture) shares ($25 and $50/month options) and TSA ordering website where you can now place orders online.  We are recruiting pick-up sites across the region where we’ll ship combined orders on a monthly basis to reduce shipping costs.  TSA customers will have access to unique, limited-quantity items like Jijak’s Maple Vinegar.